
The Emergency Ultrasound group at UBC is dedicated to delivering high quality research in the innovative field of point of care ultrasound. Bold indicates from the UBC ultrasound program.

    1. Kim DJ, Sheppard G, Lewis D, Buchanan IM, Jelic T, Thavanathan R, Myslik F, Lalande E, Bell CR, Chenkin J, Heslop CL, Olszynski P, Atkinson P, Burwash-Brennan T. POCUS literature primer: key papers on cardiac and lung POCUS. CJEM 2024;
    2. Kim DJ, Bell CR, Sheppard G. Genitourinary ultrasound. Emerg Med Clin N Am 2024;
    3. Bell C, Sheppard G, Andani R, Katz N, Kim DJ. Canadian association of emergency physicians emergency ultrasound committee best practice recommendations on point-of-care ultrasound disinfection. CJEM 2024; 26(3):145-147.
    4. Morton T, Kim DJ, Deleeuw T, Curran J, Olszynski P, Robinson VW. Use of point-of-care ultrasound in rural British Columbia: Scale, training, and barriers. Can Fam Physician 2024; 70(2):109-116.
    5. Wilson SJ, Thavanathan R, Cheng W, Stuart J, Kim DJ, Glen P, Duigenan S, Shorr R, Woo MM, Perry JJ. Test characteristics of emergency medicine-performed point-of-care ultrasound for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Emerg Med2024; 83(3):235-246.
    6. Kim DJ, Atkinson P, Sheppard G, Chenkin J, Thavanathan R, Lewis D, Bell CR, Jelic T, Lalande E, Buchanan IM, Heslop CL, Burwash-Brennan T, Myslik F, Olszynski P. POCUS literature primer: key papers on POCUS in cardiac arrest and shock. CJEM2024; 26(1):15-22.
    7. Humniski NAhn JSManji RKim DJ. Globe rupture diagnosed with point of care ultrasound. J Emerg Med2023; 65(5):e453-6.
    8. Gottlieb M, Schraft EK, O'Brien JR, Kim DJ. Just the facts: Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheter placement. CJEM2023; 25(7):584-586.
    9. Weill S, Picard D, Kim DJ, Woo MY. Recommendations for POCUS curriculum in Canadian undergraduate medical education: Consensus from the inaugural Seguin Canadian POCUS Education Conference. POCUS J2023; 8(1):13-18.
    10. Bell C, Newbigging J, Sheppard G, Aspler A, Kim DJ. A primer for clinical POCUS leadership in your emergency department. CJEM2023; 25(4):266-8.
    11. Kim DJBurton JEHammad A, Sabhaney V, Freder J, Bone JN, Ahn JS. Test characteristics of ultrasound for the diagnosis of peritonsillar abscess: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acad Emerg Med2023; 30(8):859-869.
    12. Kim DJ, Bell CR, Jelic T, Thavanathan R, Heslop CL, Myslik F, Lewis D, Atkinson P, Chenkin J, Buchanan IM, Olszynski P, Sheppard G, Burwash-Brennan T, Lalande E. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) literature primer: Key papers on renal and biliary POCUS. Cureus2023; 15(4):e37294.
    13. Lau TAhn JSManji RKim DJ. A narrative review of point of care ultrasound assessment of the optic nerve in emergency medicine. Life2023; 13(2):531.
    14. Jarman RD, Colclough A, McDermott C, Bøtker M, Knudsen L, Harris T, Albaroudi B, Albaroudi O, Haddad M, Darke R, Berry E, Breslin T, Fitzpatrick G, Flanagan L, Olusanya O, Craver D, Omar A, Simpson T, Cherian N, Dore M, Prosen G, Kay S, Villén-Villegas T, Gargani L, Carley S, Woo M, Dupriez F, Hussain A, Via G, Connolly JA, Peck M, Melniker L, Walden A, Attard Biancardi MA, Żmijewska-Kaczor O, Lalande E, Geukens P, McLaughlin R, Olszynski P, Hoffmann B, Chin E, Muhr C, Kim DJ, Mercieca A, Shukla D, Hayward S, Smith M, Gaspari R, Smallwood N, Pes P, Tavazzi G, Corradi F, Lambert M, Morris C, Trauer M, Baker K, Bystrzycki A, Goudie A, Liu R, Rudd L, Dietrich CF, Jenssen C, Sidhu PS. EFSUMB clinical practice guidelines for point-of-care ultrasound: Part one (common heart and pulmonary applications) SHORT VERSION. Ultraschall Med2023; 44(1):36-49.
    15. Kim DJ, Bell C, Jelic T, Sheppard G, Robichaud L, Burwash-Brennan T, Chenkin J, Lalande E, Buchanan I, Atkinson P, Thavanathan R, Heslop C, Myslik F, Lewis D. Point of care ultrasound literature primer: Key papers on Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) and Extended FAST (E-FAST). Cureus2022; 14(10):e30001.
    16. Kim DJ, Olszynski P, Smith DJW, Lalande E, Woo MY. Point of care ultrasound training in Canadian emergency medicine residency programs. CJEM 2022; 24(3):329-334.
    17. Lam SHF, Berant R, Chang TP, Friedman L, Gold DL, Kornblith AE, Lin-Martore M, Pade KH, Skaugset LM, Toney AG, Wang-Flores H. The P2Network – Advancing pediatric emergency care with point-of-care ultrasound. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2022; 38(2):e1014-e1018.
    18. Kim DJ, Theyyunni N, Liu RB. Ultrasound is superior to supine chest x-ray for the diagnosis of clinically relevant traumatic pneumothorax. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2022; 93(1):e43-e44.
    19. Bell C, Kim D. A picture is worth a thousand words, but only if you can see it. CJEM 2022; 24(3):345-346.
    20. Prager R, Pratte M, Guy A, Bala S, Bachar R, Kim DJ, Millington S, Salameh J, McGrath TA, McInnes MDF. Completeness of reporting for systematic reviews of point-of-care ultrasound: A meta-research study. BMJ Evid Based Med 2021;
    21. Arthurs L, Erdelyi S, Kim DJ. The effect of patient positioning on ultrasound landmarking for cricothyrotomy. Can J Anesth 2021; 68(1):24-29.
    22. Poonja Z, Ahn JS, Kim DJ. Just the facts: Ultrasound guidance for arthrocentesis. CJEM 2021; 23(6):737-739.
    23. Gottlieb M, Sundaram T, Kim DJ, Olszynski P. Just the facts: Point-of-care ultrasound for skin and soft tissue abscesses. CJEM 2021; 23(5):597-600.
    24. Long N, Ahn JS, Kim DJ. Adjunctive use of point of care ultrasound to diagnose compartment syndrome of the thigh. POCUS Journal 2021; 6(2):64-66.
    25. Long ND, Ahn JS, Monkewich GJ, Kim DJ. Point-of-care ultrasonography in the diagnosis of hemorrhagic cholecystitis. CMAJ 2021; 193(42):E1631-E1632.
    26. Douglas-Vail M, Ogilvie K, Sutherland KA, Kim DJ. Clot in transit: A case for point of care echocardiography. Vis J Emerg Med 2021; 25:101096.
    27. Golby R, Ahn J, Kim DJ. Man with persistent chest pain (ventricular septal rupture). Ann Emerg Med 2021; 78(2):e23-e24.
    28. Kim DJ, Jelic T, Woo MY, Heslop C, Olszynski P. Misinterpretation of recommendations from the CAEP Emergency Ultrasound Committee as a case report. Echocardiography 2021; 38(4):718.
    29. Frenkel O, Barbic D, Francispragasm M, Murray D, Yoo J, Scheuermeyer FX. Elderly woman with cough, fever, and dyspnea (COVID-19 pneumonia). Ann Emerg Med 2021; 77(1):e64-e65.
    30. Kim DJ, Jelic T, Woo MY, Heslop C, Olszynski P. Just the facts: Recommendations on point of care ultrasound use and machine infection control during the COVID-19 pandemic. CJEM 2020; 22(4):445-9.
    31. O'Neill SB, Gibney B, O'Keeffe ME, Barrett S, Louis L. Mass casualty imaging - Policy, planning, and radiology response to mass casualty incidents. Can Assoc Radiol J 2020; 71(3):388-395.
    32. Kim DJ, Thiessen M, Strony R. Point-of-care ultrasound credentialing: Big picture principles for big health systems. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2020; 46(8):435-7.
    33. Quan GE, Kendall JL, Bogseth MC, Ruygrok ML, Luoma KA, Louderback RZ, Pieracci F, Byyny RL. Predictors of false-negative focused assessment with sonography for trauma examination in pediatric blunt abdominal Trauma. Pediatr Emerg Care 2020; 36(5):e274-e279.
    34. Olszynski P, Kim DJ, Liu R, Arntfield R. Multidisciplinary response to CAR's POCUS position statement. Can Assoc Radiol J 2020; 71(2):136-7.
    35. Olszynski P, Heslop C, Atkinson P, Lewis D, Kim DJ, Pham C, Ritcey B. Ultrasound at the point of care – Grown up and moving out! CJEM 2020; 22(1):1-2.
    36. Hans PS, Ahn JS, Kim DJ. Ultrasound features of rhabdomyolysis. CJEM 2020; 22(3):386-8.
    37. Arthurs L, Ahn JS, Kim DJ. Man with chest pain (type B thoracic aortic dissection). Ann Emerg Med 2020; 75(3):e15-6.
    38. Lewis D, Rang L, Kim D, Robichaud L, Kwan C, Pham C, Shefrin A, Ritcey B, Atkinson P, Woo M, Jelic T, Dallaire G, Henneberry R, Turner J, Andani R, Demsey R, Olszynski P. Recommendations for the use of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) by emergency physicians in Canada. CJEM 2019; 21(6):721-6.
    39. Olszynski P, Kim DJ, Ma IWY, Clunie M, Lambos P, Guzowski T, Butz M, Thoma B. The development of a provincial multidisciplinary framework of consensus-based standards for point of care ultrasound at the University of Saskatchewan. Ultrasound J 2019; 11(1):28.
    40. Kim DJ, Francispragasam M, Docherty G, Silver B, Prager R, Lee D, Maberley D. Test characteristics of point-of-care ultrasound for the diagnosis of retinal detachment in the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med 2019; 26(1):16-22.
    41. Poonja Z, Uppal J, Netherton SJ, Bryce R, Lyon AW, Cload B. Evaluation of emergency department ultrasound machines for the presence of occult blood. CJEM 2019; 21(3):395-398.
    42. Luong CL, Ong K, Kaila K, Pellikka PA, Gin K, Tsang TSM. Focused cardiac ultrasonography: Current applications and future directions. J Ultrasound Med 2019; 38(4):865-876.
    43. Andruko J, Kim DJ. Pregnant woman with abdominal pain (heterotopic pregnancy). Ann Emerg Med 2019; 73(5):e67-8.
    44. Kim DJ. Point of Care Ultrasound for Emergency Medicine and Resuscitation. Edited by Paul Atkinson, Justin Bowra, Tim Harris, Bob Jarman, and David Lewis. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019; 264 pp; $90.00 (paperback). Acad Emerg Med 2019; 26(12):1400-1.
    45. Olszynski P, Kim DJ, Chenkin J, Rang L. The CAEP emergency ultrasound curriculum – Objectives and recommendations for implementation in postgraduate training: Executive summary. CJEM 2018; 20(5):736-8.
    46. Olszynski P, Kim D, Chenkin J, Rang L. The core emergency ultrasound curriculum project: A report from the Curriculum Working Group of the CAEP Emergency Ultrasound Committee. CJEM 2018; 20(2):176-82.
    47. Cessford T, Meneilly GS, Arishenkoff S, Eddy C, Chen LYC, Kim DJ, Ma IWY. Comparing physical examination with sonographic versions of the same examination techniques for splenomegaly. J Ultrasound Med 2018; 37(7):1621-9.
    48. Prager R, Sedgwick C, Lund A, Kim DJ, Ho B, Stachura M, Gutman SJ. Prospective evaluation of point-of-care ultrasound at a remote, multi-day music festival. Prehosp Disaster Med 2018; 33(5):484-489.
    49. Atkinson P, Olszynski P, Chenkin J, Kim DJ, Hall G. CJEM Debate Series: #PoCUS – All physicians practicing emergency medicine should be competent in the use of point of care ultrasound. CJEM 2018; 20(3):329-33.
    50. Iradukunda D, Lee J, Kim DJ. Unexpected source of fever: Liver abscess on point of care ultrasound. CJEM 2018; 20(5):802-3.
    51. Murray DJ, Kim DJ. An unusual case of exertional dyspnea: Atrial myxoma on point of care ultrasound. CJEM 2018; 20(1):146-7.
    52. Lodewyks CL, Bednarczyk JM, Mooney OT, Arora RC, Singal RK. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, pulmonary embolectomy, and right ventricular assist device for massive pulmonary embolism. Can J Cardiol 2017 ;33(7):950.e7-950.e9.
    53. Stachura M, Landes M, Aklilu F, Venugopal R, Hunchak C, Berman S, Maskalyk J, Sarrazini J, Kebede T, Azazh A. Evaluation of a point-of-care ultrasound scan list in a resource-limited emergency centre in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Afr J Emerg Med 2017; 7(3):118-23.
    54. Murphy DL, Oberfoell SH, Trent SA, French AJ, Kim DJ, Richards DB. Validation of a low-cost optic nerve sheath ultrasound phantom: An educational tool. J Med Ultrasound 2017; 25(2):96-100.
    55. Stringer CEA, Ahn JS, Kim DJ. Asteroid hyalosis: A mimic of vitreous hemorrhage on point of care ultrasound. CJEM 2017; 19(4):317-20.
    56. Francispragasam M, Yoo JH, Lam TV, Kim DJ. Diagnosis of a pericardial effusion with stable ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm by point-of-care ultrasound. CJEM 2017; 19(1):71-4.
    57. Kim DJ, Byyny RL, Rice CA, Faragher JP, Nordenholz KE, Haukoos JS, Liao MM, Kendall JL. Test characteristics of emergency physician-performed limited compression ultrasound for lower extremity deep vein thrombosis. J Emerg Med 2016; 51(6):684-90.
    58. Prager R, McCallum J, Kim D, Neitzel A. Point of care ultrasound in undergraduate medical education: A survey of University of British Columbia medical student attitudes. UBC Medical J 2016; 7(2):12-6.
    59. Ahn JS, French AJ, Thiessen ME, Browne V, Deutchman M, Guiton G, Madigosky W, Kendall JL. Using ultrasound to enhance medical students' femoral vascular physical examination skills. J Ultrasound Med 2015; 34(10):1771-6.
    60. Stachura MR, Socransky SJ, Wiss R, Betz M. A comparison of the supraclavicular and infraclavicular views for imaging the subclavian vein with ultrasound. Am J Emerg Med 2014; 32(8):905-8.
    61. Ahn JS, French AJ, Thiessen ME, Kendall JL. Training peer instructors for a combined ultrasound/physical exam curriculum. Teach Learn Med 2014; 26(3):292-5.
    62. Kim DJ, Theoret J, Liao MM, Kendall JL. Experience with emergency ultrasound training by Canadian emergency medicine residents. West J Emerg Med 2014; 15(3):306-311.
    63. Lee WW, Kim DJ. Migrating sternal rod: Ultrasound identification of an unusual soft tissue foreign body. J Emerg Med 2014; 46(4):e117-20.
    64. Kim DJ, Kendall JL. Fournier’s gangrene and its characteristic ultrasound findings. J Emerg Med 2013; 44(1):e99-101.
    65. Kim DJ, Theoret J, Liao MM, Hopkins E, Woolfrey K, Kendall JL. The current state of ultrasound training in Canadian emergency medicine programs: Perspectives from program directors. Acad Emerg Med 2012; 19(9):1073-8.
    66. Kim DJ, Welch M, Kendall JL. A case of Cesarean scar ectopic: A rare but important form of ectopic pregnancy. Crit Ultrasound J 2011; 3(1):55-7.

    1. Kim DJ. Chapter 7.2: Cricothyrotomy. In: Lewiss RE, Jones RA, Strony RJ, eds. Practical Guide to Critical Ultrasound, Volume 2. Dallas, TX: American College of Emergency Physicians; 2018: 119-23.
    2. Kim DJ. Chapter 28: Biliary Ultrasound: Right-upper-quadrant pain in a 15-year-old female. In: McLario DJ, Kendall JL, eds. Case Studies in Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2013: 129-33.
    3. Kim DJ. Chapter 56: Ultrasound Guided Hip & Knee Arthrocentesis: Limp in a 5-year-old male. In: McLario DJ, Kendall JL, eds. Case Studies in Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2013: 261-6.

  1. Wilson S, Thavanathan R, Cheng W, Stuart J, Kim D, Shorr R, Glen P, Duigenan S, Woo MY, Perry J. Test characteristics of point-of-care ultrasound for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Poster presentation at the CAEP 2023 Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, May 28, 2023.
  2. Wilson S, Thavanathan R, Cheng W, Stuart J, Kim DJ, Shorr R, Glen P, Duigenan S, Woo M, Perry J. Test characteristics of point-of-care ultrasound for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. Oral presentation at the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) 2023 Annual Meeting, Austin TX, May 18, 2023.
  3. Kim DJ, Dion V, Ahn J, Erdelyi S, Sabhaney V. The physical examination is unreliable in determining the location of the ankle physis in healthy children. Virtual poster presentation at the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) 2020 Research Forum, October 26, 2020.
  4. Lee J, Chen H, Zhang M, Kim D. The effect of patient positioning on ultrasound landmarking for cricothyrotomy. Poster presentation at the CAEP 2018 Annual Conference, Calgary, AB, May 28, 2018.
  5. Chen H, Lee J, Zhang M, Kim D. The effect of patient positioning on ultrasound landmarking for cricothyrotomy. Oral presentation at the 2018 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Annual Convention, New York, NY, March 26, 2018.
  6. Docherty G, Francispragasam M, Silver B, Prager R, Maberley D, Lee D, Kim DJ. Test characteristics of point of care ultrasound for the diagnosis of retinal detachment in the emergency department. Poster presentation at the CAEP 2017 Annual Conference, Whistler, BC, June 4, 2017.
  7. Prager R, Sedgwick C, Lund A, Stachura M, Kim D, Ho B, Gutman S. Point of care ultrasound at a remote multi-day mass gathering: a prospective case series. Oral presentation at the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine 2017, Toronto, ON, April 28, 2017.
  8. Olszynski P, Kim D, Chenkin J, Rang, L. The core emergency ultrasound curriculum project – 1st report from the Curriculum Working Group of the CAEP Emergency Ultrasound Committee. Oral presentation at SaskSono17, 2nd Annual Clinical Ultrasonography Conference, Saskatoon, SK, April 8, 2017.
  9. Huang D, Lam TV, Theoret J, Lund A. Use of emergency physician performed ultrasound for the detection of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis. Oral presentation at the CAEP 2014 Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, June 3, 2014.
  10. Stachura MR, Landes M, Venugopal R, Aklilu F, Sarrazin J, Azazh A. Evaluation of a point-of-care ultrasound scan list in the emergency department at Black Lion Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Poster presentation at the CAEP 2014 Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, June 3, 2014.
  11. Kim DJ, Theoret J, Woolfrey K, Kendall JL. Experience with emergency ultrasound training by Canadian emergency medicine residents: a national survey. Poster presentation at the CAEP 2012 Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, June 4, 2012.