Research Day Abstract Guidelines

16th Annual Emergency Medicine Research Day
Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Abstract submission deadline: noon, Feb 24, 2025
Abstract submission portal:

General Information

Resident Projects

Riyad Abu-Laban Resident Abstract Awards
Three prizes will be awarded to the highest ranked resident abstracts: 1st prize of $500 and two runner-up prizes of $250 each.

The committee will follow the CAEP (Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians) scoring formats for projects with considerations for each category: research, CQI and Education Projects. In general, following criteria such as: Relevance to EM, Originality, Importance, Methodology/Methods, Statistical Analysis, Feasibility, Resource Allocation, Quality.

Program Presentations

  • is focused on a discrete topic, area, or field;
  • has a longitudinal research plan (typically multi-year and sequential);
  • typically (but not strictly) has at least two full paper publications in peer-reviewed journals; and
  • involves multiple investigators (typically from a range of domains or locations).

If you are the principal investigator(s) or local leader(s) of a program and would like to pursue a program presentation slot, please (1) submit any project abstracts from your program you or others wish to have considered as outlined above here; indicate that you are applying for a program slot; and submit a brief (<250 word) narrative description of your program, its history and future plan, and the relevance of your program to emergency medicine in British Columbia.

If you have any questions, please contact