16th Annual Emergency Medicine Research Day
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Abstract submission deadline: noon, Feb 24, 2025
Abstract submission portal: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_80No5dkeGeuTEc6
General Information
The UBC Department of Emergency Medicine (DEM) encourages abstract submissions from DEM or Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) faculty and trainees. We also encourage submissions from physicians who work in emergency departments across British Columbia and other members of the care team, including nurses, respiratory therapists, and paramedics.
We have always made every effort to allot at least one presentation to each DEM- or PEM-affiliated applicant; however, it is possible that not all applicants will be awarded a presentation due to time constraints. We will prioritize completed projects but may accept planned or partially completed work. All presentations, with the exception of “program presentations” (see below), will be 5 minutes followed by a 5-minute question period, which will be strictly enforced.
Abstracts must be less than 300 words and include a title and the name and affiliation(s) of the presenter. Either standard headings (“Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions”) or a narrative format (in the case of work planned or in progress or programs) are acceptable. The word count does not include title, name and affiliations.
Selection and notification of presenters will be made within two weeks of the submission deadline.
Resident Projects
Please specify if you are submitting an abstract to present a resident project. To be considered a resident project, a resident physician must have provided the majority of project conception, design, data collection, and data analysis. Medical students or staff physicians could still present the resident project at Research Day. If you have any questions about what is considered a resident project, please contact Frank Scheuermeyer at frank.scheuermeyer@gmail.com.
Riyad Abu-Laban Resident Abstract Awards
Three prizes will be awarded to the highest ranked resident abstracts: 1st prize of $500 and two runner-up prizes of $250 each.
The committee will follow the CAEP (Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians) scoring formats for projects with considerations for each category: research, CQI and Education Projects. In general, following criteria such as: Relevance to EM, Originality, Importance, Methodology/Methods, Statistical Analysis, Feasibility, Resource Allocation, Quality.
Program Presentations
Space permitting, we hope to make available two to four slots for special presentations on programs of research. These presentations will allow audience members to hear more detail about the major emergency medicine (EM) research initiatives that are being undertaken in BC, preferentially (but not limited to) programs that have not been presented at previous UBC EM Research Days. Programs of research presentations will be allotted 10 minutes (rather than 5 minutes allotted for research projects) with a loose structure that will allow the principal investigator latitude to describe the background to the program, what work has been done to date, planned work, and the potential impact resulting from the work. Presenting in a program slot is generally in place of any project presentations (from any investigators) related to the program, unless space permits otherwise. For the purposes of DEM Research Day, a “program” is defined as a research initiative that:
- is focused on a discrete topic, area, or field;
- has a longitudinal research plan (typically multi-year and sequential);
- typically (but not strictly) has at least two full paper publications in peer-reviewed journals; and
- involves multiple investigators (typically from a range of domains or locations).
If you are the principal investigator(s) or local leader(s) of a program and would like to pursue a program presentation slot, please (1) submit any project abstracts from your program you or others wish to have considered as outlined above here; indicate that you are applying for a program slot; and submit a brief (<250 word) narrative description of your program, its history and future plan, and the relevance of your program to emergency medicine in British Columbia.
If you have any questions, please contact emergency.research@ubc.ca.