Hospital Site:
Vancouver Island – Victoria General Hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital
Dr. Jeff Eisen is an Emergency Physician at Victoria General Hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital, and Clinical Associate Professor, UBC Department of Emergency Medicine.
After completing residency he began his career in Barrie, Ontario working at (what is now called) the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre. During his time there he spent more than five years as Medical Director of Emergency Services, which included planning and construction of the new Emergency Department that opened in 2012.
He has been in Victoria since late 2014, and as of July 2022 became Associate Program Director of the RCPSC-EM residency program for the Vancouver Island site.
Other than Barrie and Victoria, he has worked as an Emergency Consultant in Adelaide, South Australia and even spent some time as a cruise ship physician, but in neither case was he required to make use of the guidance in Rosen’s for managing shark bites (which is good, because there isn’t any).
Teaching Interests
Dr. Eisen’s teaching interests include residency education in emergency medicine.
Research Interests
Dr. Eisen’s current research interests include the use of high carbohydrate baked goods as a pedagogic tool – how many different kinds of cookies does it take to get EM residents through residency?
- Eisen JS, Cooper SD and Eisen, AJ. (2001). The PATÉ trial: prevention of appendicitis using Trident éxclusively. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 165(12): 1587-1588.
Academic Background
- FACEM, Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (2013) – not active
- FRCPC, Queen’s University (2004)
- MD, Queen’s University (1999)
- BSc Health Studies, University of Waterloo (1995)