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Adam Lund Receives CAEP Allan Drummond Patient Advocacy Award

Congratulations to Dr. Adam Lund for receiving the CAEP Allan Drummond Patient Advocacy Award for 2012. Please visit the CAEP Website to read more about the criteria of the award.

Dr. Sandra Jenneson wins CJEM humanities writing award

Congratulations to UBC RCPS-EM Resident Dr. Sandra Jenneson for winning the 2012 CAEP Penelope Gray-Allan Memorial CJEM Award. This national award is given to the best “Humanity” article submitted by a Canadian Resident in an RCPS-EM or CFPC-EM Residency program. The full text of Sandra’s winning submission is available in the May 2012 issue of […]

2012 Research Day

April 11th, 2012 | Visiting Professor: Dr. Grant Innes from The University of Calgary